There seem to be some discrepancies here. Now I'm not known as one to complain (habitually), but I think it's high time that someone started voicing an honest opinion in this world. And while I can't promise that the opinion voiced herein will be my own - reason has a way of leading one far beyond a strictly "personal" perspective - I can at least assure you all, that the complaints this blog will contain certainly merit being made. The discrepancies are just too many to tolerate any longer.
It is well known that humans beings are by nature a sensitive bunch of organisms. My unique sensitivity, or what you could call my "specific beef with shit," is that I cannot be aware of a contradiction without trying to dig up its roots and find out why it exists. For example: when someone tells me that abortion is immoral, and that the war in Iraq is not; when I hear some self-righteous politician telling us that the war is inhuman, and that abortions = a woman's right to choose - these things make my hair stand on end. I start sniffing. I wonder about the why. I want to know 'why the one,' and 'not the other' - human life either has some sort of intrinsic value, or it doesn't. The problem with trying to discuss such paradoxes is that the maintainers thereof almost invariably lapse into "Piss off" mode when that wonderful little why is to them posed.
So I guess my goal with this literary excursion is to bring some of these discrepancies to light: pull them out of the musty little glory-hole dens where they grow and into the fresh, clean air, where good things grow and bad things die. I can only hope that my readers are not too sensitive to listen with open ears...but then that's probably too much to hope for, now isnt it?
Yours truly,
Monsieur Penske
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